Pretreatment Applications

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If your business is…

Suggested Permit Application

Auto washing operations, automotive repair facilities


Nursing homes, schools, apartment complexes, soup kitchens

Commercial Building

Wet process operations that do not discharge to the sewer system

Zero Discharge

Restaurants, cafeterias, food preparation establishments


Industrial laundry facilities

Industrial Laundry

Laundries, laundromats, dry cleaners

Laundries, Laundromats, Dry Cleaners

Heavy commercial and industrial process wastewater discharges

Long Form

Light commercial and industrial process wastewater discharges

Short Form

Septage haulers wishing to use NBC septage receiving facility

Septage Hauler

Dentists, hospitals, veterinarians, doctor’s office

X-Ray Processing

Printers, photographers

Film Processing

Supermarkets, food preparation/processing

Supermarkets, Food Preparation/Processing




The NBC’s Guide to Understanding Your Wastewater Discharge Permit offers a section-by-section explanation of your discharge permit, but if the Guide doesn’t answer your questions, please give Pretreatment staff a call at (401) 461-8848 or email at Click here for the guide.