September 3-9, 2023

Phytoplankton samples were collected on September 6, 2023 at Bullock Reach and analyzed in the laboratory shortly after collection. Sonde data revealed the surface water temperature was 23.4°C, salinity was 24.5 psu, and chlorophyll a was 12.2 ug/L. The plankton tow net sample was filterable with a 20 micron mesh. The filtrate was a light brown greenish color and had a long filter time. The tow net sample was analyzed qualitatively for microorganisms using phase contrast microscopy. The whole water sample was analyzed quantitatively under 200x phase contrast microscopy. A Hensen Stempel pipette was used to accurately deliver 1ml of sample to a Sedge-wick Rafter chamber. This analysis revealed a total of 2,856,000 cells per Liter. The micro flagellates were found at 108,000 cells/L. The most predominant phytoplankton genus was Leptocylindrus 2,196,000 cells/L. Other representative genera include Skeletonema spp., Chaetoceros spp., and Eucampia spp., the subject of the 200x phase contrast micrograph shown below. 

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