Phytoplankton samples were collected on March 20, 2024 at Bullock Reach and analyzed in the laboratory shortly after collection. It was partly sunny, breeze and brisk on Narragansett Bay. The qualitative tow net sample had a long filtration time, and the filtrate was a dark brown color. Some sediment and jellyfish were found in the sample.
The analysis of the quantitative whole water sample revealed a total of 3,536,000 cells per Liter. The micro flagellates were found at 20,000 cells/L. The most predominant phytoplankton genus was Thalassiosira spp. at 1,888,000 cells/L. Other representative genera include Skeletonema spp. and Leptocylindrus spp. Thalassiosira spp. (today’s featured micrograph, 200x phase contrast) is a type of phytoplankton belonging to the centric diatom group. This photosynthetic species grows primarily in marine waters. Some species within the genus are found in estuaries and aquatic systems that have been impacted by human activities. They can be identified by their coin-like shape.