November 5-11, 2023

Phillipsdale Landing

Overall, water quality was good at Phillipsdale Landing this week. Sondes were swapped this week on the morning of November 7th. There were 0.18 inches of precipitation recorded at T.F. Green this week. Blackstone River flow was higher than normal for this time of year. Surface salinity averaged 5.9 ppt and ranged from 2.0 ppt to 19.3 ppt. Bottom salinity averaged 21.1 ppt and ranged from 4.6 ppt to 28.3 ppt. Temperatures decreased this week, averaging 10.6°C at the surface and ranging from 8.1°C to 12.6°C. At the bottom, temperatures averaged 13.5°C and ranged from 10.5°C to 15.3°C.

Dissolved oxygen (DO) at Phillipsdale Landing remained above the hypoxia threshold of 2.9 mg/L at both the surface and bottom all week. Surface DO remained similar to the previous week, averaging 9.8 mg/L and ranging from 7.2 to 10.8 mg/L. Bottom DO averaged 5.9 mg/L and ranged from 4.0 mg/L to 10.0 mg/L. Chlorophyll readings remained low, averaging 0.6 ug/L at the surface and 0.9 ug/L at the bottom. Maximum chlorophyll at the surface was only 1.0 ug/L. Please note that tidal fluctuations and Blackstone River flows greatly influence water column salinity, temperature, and DO at this location. 

Bullock Reach

Overall, water quality was good at Bullock Reach this week. Salinity averaged 24.4 ppt, 27.5 ppt, and 29.7 ppt at the surface, middle, and bottom sondes, respectively. Surface salinity ranged 18.5 – 27.2 ppt, mid salinity ranged 24.0 – 29.9 ppt, and bottom salinity ranged 28.2 – 30.7 ppt. Surface temperatures averaged 12.8°C and ranged from 10.7°C to 14.1°C. Mid temperatures averaged 13.4°C and ranged from 12.3°C to 14.3°C. Bottom temperatures averaged 14.2°C and ranged from 13.3°C to 14.8°C.

DO concentrations at Bullock Reach remained above the hypoxia threshold all week. Surface DO averaged 7.8 mg/L and ranged 6.8 – 9.5 mg/L. In the mid waters, DO averaged 7.3 mg/L and ranged 6.3 – 8.0 mg/L. At the bottom, DO averaged 6.7 mg/L and ranged 5.6 – 7.3 mg/L.  Chlorophyll concentrations were low, averaging 2.0 ug/L, 2.5 ug/L, and 2.1 ug/L at the surface, mid, and bottom waters, respectively. The maximum surface chlorophyll of 5.0 ug/L occurred during the afternoon on November 5th.​

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