Providence Conditions
Bullock Reach


Summary of water quality in the bay

  • R/V Monitor on the Upper Bay
    On Wednesday, July 7th, the crew of the R/V Monitor was out on the upper Bay collecting bacteria samples, taking Secchi Disk water clarity measurements, and conducting water column profiles using the Seabird instrument, all in an effort to document water quality improvements associated with NBC construction projects.  Real-time surface mapping of water quality parameters and… Read more: R/V Monitor on the Upper Bay
  • Bullock Reach, Week of June 27-July 3 2021
    Sondes at Bullock Reach were changed out for routine maintenance in the morning on June 29th. As noted last week, the bottom sonde deployed June 15-29, 2021 did not record data, so the summary below includes bottom data only from the partial week. Water quality at Bullock Reach was good-to-fair this week. Salinity at the… Read more: Bullock Reach, Week of June 27-July 3 2021
  • Phillipsdale Landing, Week of June 27-July 3 2021
    Water quality at Phillipsdale was fair-to-poor this week. Moderate rainfall of 0.56 inches was recorded at TF Green on July 1st, and sporadic pop-up showers throughout the watershed also occurred. Blackstone River flows remained elevated over historical median levels. Salinity at the surface averaged 11.3 ppt and ranged from 2.2 ppt to 18.5 ppt, while… Read more: Phillipsdale Landing, Week of June 27-July 3 2021
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